Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Learning to use my blog

Here are all the little "Bingham Rascals!"

Christmas 2007

This is Captin and Randi's first day of Joy School..
I know you're shocked Randi's in blue...the pink dress didn't quite make it out of the washer . Needless to say the sunglasses were a must, she can't leave the house without some form of pink!


April said...

I want a copy of the Christmas photo of the children. I learned on JL's blog that you ran a 1/2 marathon. Thanks for letting me know, so I could cheer you on. I appreciate my daughters keeping me up to date on what's going on in their lives, especially when I read the family news on their blogs.!!!! Go figure.
Nice blog, glad you are doing one.

Audrey, Brandon, and Cele' said...

Love the pictures! Your kids are so cute! Randy is such a girl, isn't she. :) And happy birthday to Sage! Can't believe she's one already!

Kathleen said...

I just couldn't stop staring at my beautiful grandbabies. What a huge blessing! And wow! they are growing up way too fast. Love, Kathleen